Monday, May 20, 2024

Seeds of the Spirit (Pentecost 2024)

Every so often the National Geographic channel runs a documentary series on some of the beautiful national parks in the United States. I’ve watched these several times and never get sick of seeing the incredible beauty we are blessed with. It makes me want to visit all the different parks to experience the unique features they offer. One park in particular comes to mind as we celebrate Pentecost and the end of the Easter season. Saguaro National Park in southern Arizona is 142 square miles of seemingly harsh and barren desert terrain. At first glance, you might think the only thing growing there is the giant Saguaro cacti which give the park its name. But look a little closer and signs of life are everywhere. Much of it is hidden, beneath the surface, and hard to see. This desert area doesn’t get much rain. Only a few inches a year fall on its sandy soil. But when it does, the whole desert is transformed, almost instantly, into a magical garden of beautiful flowers, green vegetation and scores of creepy crawlers, which were waiting for the transforming rain to bring them to life. 

Applying this to the spiritual realm, Fr. Benedict Groeschel wrote that the gifts of the Spirit are sown into us like seeds. They remain in the desert of our souls waiting to be nourished and given life. They were placed there when we received the sacrament of baptism. Unfortunately, many of these gifts were never developed or we stopped using them to pursue worldly priorities. But they are still there, dormant, waiting for the rains to come. The grace of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit, is that life-giving water. Today’s celebration is a reminder to invite that Heavenly Dew into our lives, to shout, “come Holy Spirit, come” so we, like the Saguaro desert, can be transformed into a place of beauty and life. 

Based on the readings this weekend, we might be tempted to think that the early Church had it better than us when it came to the Holy Spirit; that somehow we are at a disadvantage. But that isn’t true. When St. Paul went to visit the Ephesians, he sensed they were missing something in their faith. So he asked point-blank, "Have you received the Holy Spirit?" They replied that they hadn’t even heard of the Holy Spirit! When he heard this, St. Paul immediately confirmed them. They became supercharged Christians and their impact was felt immediately in the Church. 

We are one step ahead of the Ephesians. We have listened to Christ's command, "Receive the Holy Spirit." So many of us received the Holy Spirit at Baptism and Confirmation. The Spirit's gifts are awesome. Listen to them: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. They are already present in our souls but we must learn to use them.

The Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Blessed Trinity, is just as available to you and me as he was to Peter and the other members of the early Church. But the Holy Spirit is God, he is not a pet. We cannot say, “Come Holy Spirit into my prayer, but stay out of my work” or “You are welcome in my house but stay out of my marriage, or my finances, or the way I parent, or my choice of friends.” If we want his transforming power to take over our thoughts, words, and actions, we have to give him permission to enter every aspect of our lives. If we block off certain parts of our hearts to the Holy Spirit, his gifts cannot bring about the powerful results we heard about in today’s scriptures. The truth is, the Holy Spirit can cause a bit of a mess. He requires us to surrender a certain amount of control. He doesn’t allow us to be comfortable and self satisfied. One of the defining qualities of the Holy Spirit is that he always leads us to do more and be more than we could ever imagine. The Spirit will comfort us at all times and in all things but he cannot work in a heart that wants to control and avoid challenge. The times in my life where I have seen the most growth and the greatest miracles were always when I gave the Holy Spirit permission to stretch me and be in charge.

The amazing news of Pentecost is that God wants his Church to be just as lively and dynamic today as it was when Peter and the gang were around. He is still pouring out gifts of healing, prophecy, comfort, preaching, and so many others to Catholics around the world and here at Incarnate Word. We are not waiting for God to deliver the goods, He is waiting for us to say “yes”, to accept his invitation and let Him pour the waters of grace on the seeds of the Spirit that ready to explode into full bloom.

One last story to send us on our way: A poor European family was coming to the US in the early 1900’s. Having never sailed across the ocean before, they figured they would need to plan for their own meals. Having spent so much on the tickets, they packed bread and cheese to eat during the long voyage. 

After many days of cheese sandwiches, the son came to his father, "Dad, if I have to eat cheese sandwiches all the way across the Atlantic, I won't make it." The kind father gave him his last nickel for ice cream. Hours later the child returned. The father noticed his wide smile. He asked what he had eaten. "Several bowls of ice cream and a steak dinner." "For a nickel?" "No, dad, the food is free. It comes with the ticket." He returned the coin to his father. 

The filet mignon and ice cream of the Holy Spirit came to us with the ticket of our Baptism and Confirmation. No one has to continue eating boring sandwiches every day. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are at our disposal. The Church and the world needs us to be powered by them! Say “yes” to God and do not hesitate to cry out, “Come, Holy Spirit come!”

If the twelve apostles were able to go out, with the help of the Holy Spirit, and change the world, imagine what the community of Incarnate Word could do?! As long as we remain friends of God, homes of the Holy Spirit, there is no limit to how He can use us to renew the face of the earth!