Monday, January 9, 2023

Simple Wisdom (Epiphany 2023)

 To listen to this homily, click here.

Today, I want to look at the story of the three wise men and draw four points from it. Each of these points concern the wisdom of the wise men and their relationship with truth;  a wisdom available to us if we want it.

First, we discover in the story that the wise men sought for truth and wisdom. The magi knew that the star they followed was no ordinary star. Apparently they had been searching the heavens for years for signs of something unique and significant occurring in their world. They were open to wisdom and truth; they searched for it and desired it. They were not simply content to get along with what they already knew. So, when they saw a new star in the heavens, they sensed in their hearts it was a sign from God and an opportunity for growth.

The bible tells us over and over - if we seek, we will find, if we knock, the door shall be opened, if we ask, we will receive.  But how often do we actually seek for wisdom? For truth? For guidance?  

The wise men gained their wisdom because they were seekers - they were looking for new things, new insights, new signs. They were willing to change and deepen their understanding, even if it required something of them. And so can we.

Second, The Wise-men set forth in faith to find what the star pointed to. Faith involves the idea of venturing forth, of risking one's self in a new activity. The living God cannot be found by proxy or without effort. The magi had to travel from a foreign land in search of wisdom and truth. They did not know where the star would lead them, how long it would take, or what the end result would be. They only knew that it was important for them to follow wherever it led. It was a personal quest and the result was an opportunity to worship the one who would be king of kings and Lord of Lords..  

This may be the most important truth for us in the Epiphany story. A story of faith with Jesus has to be a personal story, a relationship, even, an adventure. It is not enough to know all kinds of facts about Jesus. We must encounter the wonder of God's grace for sinners and then make a personal decision to receive him into our heart as Lord. One must decide to follow him and then do so. No one else can do that for us. Faith is not inherited nor can it come from simply knowing what others have said about it.

Third, the wise men sought help from other people as they tried to find the king. We often try to live our lives without making demands on others. We try to be independent, to stand alone, and make it by ourselves. Sometimes this comes out of noble motives - we don’t want to burden people. Other times it comes out of fear: we are afraid of looking weak or foolish.  

When the magi arrived in Jerusalem it seems they lost sight of the star. They knew they were in the right area, but they were not in the right spot. Kind of like us sometimes when we go driving in a new place. We get into the right neighborhood but somehow can't quite locate the street or house we are looking for. We move in circles until we ask someone for help.

That is what the magi did.  The bible says they consulted with the people of Jerusalem. They asked where the new born king was and how they could find him so they could pay homage to him. Because they ask - they receive. Their question was answered by people who were familiar with the scriptures and prophecies concerning the birth of the Messiah. They take that answer and go with it and once again they saw the star going ahead of them: until it brought them to Jesus.

There are many people who can help us on our journey of faith if we are wise enough to ask them. The question is: are we willing to ask for help when we need it? 

Fourth, the wise men accepted what God lead them to and believed in it. In today’s feast, a big deal is often made of what they gave to the Christ-child.  But consider what they were given: They set forth looking for a king. After a long and hard journey they wound up at a simple home in Bethlehem in front of a carpenter and his wife and child. There are no costly treasures in the house, no purple robes, no gold rings, nothing in fact to show that they are in the presence of a great king. Only the star stood overhead to indicate something special was going on.

And they accepted this. Although the outward signs told them they were in the wrong place, they accepted that single sign, the sign of God they had been following for so long, and ignore the rest.

So many of us have a hard time accepting what God has given in the form he gives it. Because we are waiting for a gift from God, we look for great miracles, instant healing, trumpet calls, signs and wonders. We have this idea fixed in our minds that God does not, or should not, appear to us in the ordinary aspects of our life. We do not expect God to show up while we are at work in our office, or sitting in a classroom, cleaning the house, or taking care of the kids. We have a hard time considering that God's answers to our questions can be found in a 2000 year old book, or on the lips of the people we work with, or friends, or that a dream we had during a long and troubled night is, in fact, a message from God.

The wisdom of the wise men was and is simply this: they sought wisdom, they were willing to journey in faith to personally discover what God was doing, they did not hesitate to ask for help along the way and they accepted what they found, even though it was different than what they expected.

Simple things really, but wisdom normally is that way. Simple, but when used as the wise-men used it, it leads us to God. May God bless us all with this kind of wisdom today and always!