Monday, January 13, 2025

Did Jesus Need to be Baptized (Baptism of the Lord, Year C)

To listen to this homily, click here.

One of the most common questions we are asked as priests happens with Saturday weddings and holy days of obligation that fall on a Monday. Can you guess what the question is? I’ll bet you can because all of us have asked it at one time or another! Does the wedding count for Sunday? If I go Mass on Sunday night, do I need to go again on Monday for the Holy day? Of course, this question is much bigger than mass attendance; we humans like to learn what is needed and required so we know where we stand with God and each other. This same question comes up when we celebrate this feast, the Baptism of Jesus. Did Jesus NEED to be baptized? The short answer is, NO. Like everything dealing with our salvation and the Incarnation, Jesus was not required to do any of it; he chose to do all of it out of love and each action had real purpose and effect. 

The Fathers of the Church reflected deeply on the Lord’s baptism; their explanation is both true and beautiful. They concluded that Jesus was baptized in order to make the waters holy. He was not changed as John the Baptist submerged him but the water was! Jesus was baptized so the water could change us! And because Jesus is God, he has that power. The sacrament of baptism actually changes us, takes away our sins and spiritually cleans us. It’s not just a symbolic procedure that represents something abstract and unseen. When the water touches someone’s head and those words are said, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”, their sins are taken away and they are adopted as God’s son or daughter! It’s really an incredible thing, don’t you think? That Jesus has given such spiritual power to water to wash away our spiritual slop! Sam Houston was the first president of the Republic of Texas. It’s said he was a rather nasty fellow with a checkered past. Later in life Houston made a commitment to Christ and was baptized in a river. The preacher said to him, “Sam, your sins are washed away.” Houston replied, “God help the fish.”

Our celebration of Jesus’ baptism today acknowledges what he has done for us. It is also a chance to reflect on that crucial moment when we were claimed for Christ, many of us as little babies. The Church encourages us to observe our baptismal birthday each year in the same way we celebrate the baptism of Jesus. If you don’t know when that date was, you can contact the parish you were baptized and ask them to look it up. If your parish of baptism is closed, you can request the date from the Archdiocesan archives and I can give the the link to do that. My baptismal birthday is coming up! January 17, 1982 was the day I became a son of God and it is probably the most important date in my life because that was the moment that I was given the opportunity for eternal life! In honor of Jesus’ baptism, take some time in the next week or two to discover your baptismal birthday and thank God for cleansing the waters so they, in turn, could transform you!

I’d like to end the homily with a story. It’s one some of you may have heard before but it does a great job of reminding us what a privilege we have in becoming children of God through baptism. This sacrament unlocks access to God that was previously unthinkable and impossible.

During the American Civil War, a young soldier in the Union Army lost both
his older brother and his father in the Battle of Gettysburg. The soldier decided to go to Washington, to see President Lincoln. He wanted to ask for an exemption from military service so he could return to the family farm and help his sister and mother with the spring planting. Without his help, the planting would not be completed and his family would lose their farm. When he arrived in Washington, he went to the White House. Approaching the front gate, he asked to see the president. The guard on duty told him, “YOU can’t see the president, soldier! The president is a very busy man! Get back to the front lines, where you belong!”

Understandably crushed, the soldier wept outside the White House. In his despair he didn’t first notice a little boy staring at him. The child asked what was wrong. The soldier began to share his sad story. The little boy listened and said “I can help you.” He took the soldier by the hand and led him back through the front gate, entered a side door of the White House, where  they walked right past generals and high ranking officials, and yet no one said a word. The soldier couldn’t understand what was happening. Why didn’t anyone stop them? Finally they reached the Oval Office—where the president was working—and the little boy didn’t even knock on the door. He just walked right in and led the soldier in with him. There behind the desk was Abraham Lincoln, hard at work. The president glanced at the soldier and then looked at the boy with a smile. “Good afternoon, Tad. Can you introduce me to your friend?” And Tad Lincoln, the son of the president of the United States, said, “Dad, this soldier needs to talk to you.” The soldier pleaded his case before Mr. Lincoln and he received the exemption through the intercession of the president’s son.

Friends, God loves each of you, right here and right now. As his children, his door is always open to you for anything. We do not and cannot earn that love. It is being showered on us constantly, if we stop and receive it. But it’s not just about receiving for ourselves. We also must share the love God has for us by helping to lead others to our father where he can help and heal them. We are called to do this before being asked, before others have done good or bad, whether or not they deserve our favor and encouragement.

And after loving others, after creating an atmosphere of encouragement, kindness, and charity; pray and thank God, and do it all over again, knowing that this is how God cares for us every day as his beloved sons and daughters! 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

A Lifeline Thrown (Christmas 2024)

 To listen to this homily, click here.

On behalf of the priests, deacons, and staff of Incarnate Word, I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! We are so happy to gather together in prayer and praise on this holy night/day and believe that God has a special message for each of you! With that being said, it is no secret that this time of year can be stressful for many people. I am reminded of the story of an older gentlemen from a nearby city in the midwest who called his son in New York with some bad news, “I hate to ruin your day son, but your mother and I are getting a divorce; 50 years of marriage… and I just can’t take it anymore!” “Dad, what are you talking about?” the son yelled. The old man replied. “We’re sick of each other, and I’m sick of talking about it, so call your sister in California and tell her!”. Frantic, the son called his sister, who lost it when she heard the news. “There is no way they’re separating,” she shouted, “I’ll take care of this.” She called her father immediately and sternly told him, “You and mom are staying together. Don’t do anything until I get there. I’m calling my brother back, and we’ll both be there tomorrow. The old man hung up the phone and said to his wife. “Okay”, it’s all set. They’re both coming home for Christmas and paying their own air-fare.”

I had to get the annual cheesy priest-joke in there for this to be a real Christmas homily! What’s no joke is the number of dinners, parties, and gatherings we all attend this festive and busy time of year. One of my favorite small-talk questions to ask or answer is, “are you reading a good book you would recommend?” I recently finished the incredible story of Donald Stratton called All the Gallant Men. Stratton was stationed on the battleship USS Arizona when it was sunk during the Japanese attack on December 7, 1941. Of the more than 1500 men assigned to this ship, only 335 survived the catastrophic explosion that destroyed the Arizona after a direct hit set off the ammunition magazine. 

Stratton tells how he and 5 of his companions survived the initial blast but were soon in danger from the fires raging in the wreckage and on the surface of the water. There was no escape for them as the deck of the ship grew hotter and the attack continued. They were saved that fateful day by a sailor named Joe George on a smaller ship tied to the Arizona from the previous night. Because of the ongoing attack and the massive fire raging on the battleship, the smaller vessel needed to separate itself to find safer waters. Joe George was ordered to cut all of the mooring lines that connected her to the Arizona. As he was doing so, he saw the 6 sailors stranded on the wreckage, all of them badly burned and crying out for help. Disobeying his commanding officer and unable to ignore their pleas, he stopped cutting the lines and was able to throw a lifeline to Stratton and his mates. One by one, they shimmied across to safety, miraculously avoiding the strafing aircraft, the burning fires beneath them, and the real possibility of a 4-story fall off the rope. 

Stratton was forever grateful to Joe George for coming to their rescue. And he marveled at the many brave sailors who ran to their battle stations, put out fires, and rushed around the harbor in smaller boats to rescue as many sailors as possible, ignoring the risks to their own safety. 

During that dark day which lives in infamy, there were numerous stories of heroes who ran into the danger, into the carnage everyone else was trying to flee. They did so, not for themselves but in the hopes of saving at least some. Throughout the history of humanity, this same sort of story has been repeated over and over again, especially by soldiers, first responders, and heroes of every type. They run into situations that are dangerous, repulsive, and terrifying; not thinking of themselves but of others.

As we gather for Christmas, we recognize that this is what Jesus did for us. Despite the destruction, horror, and betrayal of our offenses, God rushed into it all to save us. Immediately after our first parents Adam and Eve sinned against God, the Lord started working on a plan to rescue humanity. He was not willing to give up on the human race nor was he repulsed by our sinfulness. Instead, he kept throwing us lifelines, through the law and the prophets. Even as we kept running away from him, he wouldn’t stop trying to save us. In the fulness of time, he sent his Son, Jesus, as savior to defeat sin and death and establish a safe harbor in his Church, where all can find relief and healing from the attacks of evil and the fires of hell. Nothing could turn Jesus from his saving mission; not the attacks of the unrighteous and unbelieving. Not even the terrible suffering and death on the cross could stop his tremendous love. He came that we might have life and have it to the fullest!

As we gather tonight to celebrate Jesus’ arrival as a small baby, we should thank him from the bottom of our hearts. Before Jesus came, we were in worse shape than Stratton and his friends, trapped on the doomed Arizona. We had no way out and we could not save ourselves. But Jesus could and did and he wishes more than anything else, that all would follow him to salvation. He is is not afraid of the messes we make, he can handle the sins we have committed, he can fix what we have broken, he can save what we have lost, he can make all things new! As we enter the Christmas season, cry out to Jesus in joy; this is the reason we sing these happy songs, year after year! If there is something you are tempted to hide from him, if you are ashamed of a sin, a personal weakness, or a terrible mistake from your past, he wants to dive in and save you! He wants only to draw you out of the flames of self-hatred and despair and draw you close to his tender, compassionate heart. Let him love you and save you and bring you home. 

Christmas is so much more than a sentimental celebration. It is the moment when everything changed, when God made it clear that no thing and no one could stop him from rescuing his people. May you know the overwhelming, never-ending, relentless love of God, embodied in the gentle glance of the Christ-child! And if you feel trapped by any sin, suffering, or personal darkness, believe that Jesus will never give up on you; he is looking for you now and all you have to do is call out his name. May this be your best Christmas yet, full of love, joy, healing, and peace!

Monday, December 23, 2024

Mary's Love (4th Sunday of Advent, Year C)

 To listen to this homily, click here.

Every year I say it and every year I mean it; I cannot believe we are already at the end of Advent and just a few days from Christmas. As I was looking through past homilies, it was easy to see where I ran out of steam…the 4th Sunday of Advent. In the past, it appears I had already mentally moved on to Christmas and put more energy into what I would say for the big holy day. But its not really fair that this final Sunday of preparation and waiting should get short shrift because much grace can still be given to us in these final moments of advent.

For our reflection this weekend, I would like to focus on the first sentence of the gospel we just heard. It is a phrase we probably glide right over but it has much to teach us about how Mary loved God and others, with a complete gift of her self.

St. Luke tells us that “Mary set out and traveled to the hill country in haste to a town of Judah, where she entered the house of Zechariah and greeted Elizabeth.” From this simple account we learn three qualities about Mary’s love. 

First of all, it was decisive. As soon as the angel Gabriel announced that she would be the mother of God and her cousin Elizabeth was with Child, Mary resolved to help her family member with what would have been a difficult pregnancy. Elizabeth was in her late 80’s when she had John the Baptist. The compassionate heart of Mary knew that her cousin needed help right away in order to welcome her miraculous child into the world. Never mind that she herself was pregnant and needing to have a very challenging and important conversation with Joseph. Mary saw the need of someone who needed her help and without waiting to be asked, away she went. This is the meaning of the phrase “in haste”. It doesn’t mean that she went off in a frantic rush, without thinking, and forgetting half of what she meant to take with her. No, it means there was no gap between May knowing this was the right thing to do and her actually doing it; her good intention and her loving action were connected by an unbroken string of grace and resolve. 

The second quality of Mary’s love shown to us in this sentence is that it was steadfast. We are told she travelled to the hill country, which is synonymous with rough terrain, frequent elevation changes, and difficult roads. The distance between Mary’s home and Elizabeth’s village was roughly 100 miles and this would have been covered mostly, if not completely on foot. For reference, this would be like walking to Rolla, Cape Girardeau, Jefferson City, or Hannibal, Missouri as an expectant, teenage girl. Besides the physical toll it must have taken on the newly pregnant Virgin Mary, the path she took had many hidden dangers. The dirt path that wound through the mountainous region is believed to have been a popular place for bandits, who would victimize unsuspecting travelers. There must have been many times when Mary thought about turning around. If she had, no one would have blamed or thought less of her. But her care for Elizabeth, her capacity for sacrificial love, propelled her through the hill country and conquered every fear, obstacle, and difficulty.

The third quality of Mary’s love is that it was intentional and focussed. So often, our resolutions to love God and others remain vague, nearly impossible to quantify or hold ourselves accountable. Additionally, how often do we love others while distracted by many other things and preoccupied with less important concerns? We will say, “I want to be a better person or love others more, or think of myself less.” Good intentions for sure but how can we be sure that we are making progress or acting on the grace God is sending us? Mary was very specific and concrete and completely focused on her dear cousin. To go, without delay, to help until John the Baptist was born. To make sure Elizabeth had a safe delivery and all the help she needed as she experienced motherhood for the first time. Mary was completely present and available to serve Elizabeth for three months in her time of need. We can only imagine how grateful and humbled Elizabeth must have been as she received the love and care of Mary, even as Jesus was being formed in the Virgin’s womb. Mary’s love for Elizabeth was practical, selfless, and centered on her cousin. She wasn’t simply multi-tasking, helping her because it was convenient, or serving some ulterior motive.

As we sneak up on another Christmas, we have the chance to examine our own ways of loving. Do we have the heart of Mary with its decisive, steadfast, and focused qualities? Perhaps we are strong in one area but another aspect needs to be stretched to grow in grace? Far too often, our love is timid, fickle, indecisive and surrenders to selfishness when sacrifice is required. Mary provides an example that is both challenging and comforting, inspiring and convicting. She is here to help us learn to love like her. Just as she gave an example to Elizabeth on how to love God and love others, she will guide us too. Let us go in haste to her now so that our Christmas may be more like hers!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Ducks in a Row (2nd Sunday of Advent, Year C)

 To listen to this homily, click here.

Our recent cold snap with snow, wind, and ever darker days reminded me of the one time I went duck hunting with a parishioner. Even though we didn’t score any kills, I learned quite a bit about duck calls, decoys, the importance of warm, waterproof clothing, and a good dog. I was also educated about the role weather plays in your odds of success, keeping your eyes on the sky, and not being too quick on the trigger. All in all, a very enriching experience, although I am glad my meal wasn’t tied to the end result.  

Strangely enough, lying in wait for migratory birds also reminds me of a story about a group of software designers. They were using mysterious technical jargon to discuss a data exchange interface with a vendor. One engineer said the programming that had been ordered wasn’t ready yet because the vendor was suffering from a “severe nonlinear waterfowl issue.” Curious, the team leader raised his eyebrows and asked, “What exactly is a ‘severe nonlinear waterfowl issue’?” The engineer replied, “They don’t have all their ducks in a row.” Whether you are looking at the sky from a watery blind or trying to implement a new software program, it is always good to have your ducks in a row!

On this second Sunday of Advent, John the Baptist comes to ask us if we have any “severe nonlinear waterfowl issues” in our lives? Do we have all our ducks in a row for the coming of the Messiah or are there things still left undone and relegated to the “I will get to that tomorrow” pile? Luke tells us that the coming of John the Baptist is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah: “The voice of one crying in the wilderness:  ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight. Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low, and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.’” There are countless ways we can get our ducks in a row this advent season but allow me to suggest three:

#1, We need to prepare the way for the Messiah in our hearts: We do this by filling in the “valleys” of our souls which have been hollowed out by a hurried, shallow prayer life and a minimalist approach to living our Faith. We do this by straightening any crooked paths we’ve been walking, especially by examining habitual sins or unholy relationships.  If we have been involved in some dishonest practices at work or hurtful habits at home, we are called to straighten them out and make restitution. If we have been harboring grudges, nursing hatred, or failing to be reconciled with others, now is the time to clear away all the debris that blocks the grace of God. If we have been pushing God off to the side of the road, if we have been saying we don’t have time for Him, now is the time to get our priorities straight. And we all have to level the “mountains” of pride and selfishness. Whatever blocks or slows down the grace of God, now is the time to clear it out!

#2: We need to repent and seek forgiveness from God and our fellow-human beings: John’s message calls us to confront and confess our sins. We have to turn away from them in sincere repentance in order to receive God’s healing grace.  There are two main reasons why people who have recognized their sins fail to receive forgiveness for them. The first is that they refuse to repent in the sacrament of confession, but the second is that they fail to forgive. Jesus is very explicit about this Mt 6. He says, “if you forgive others their transgressions, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive you.”  Is there someone I need to forgive today? Someone, whose pardon I need to ask and pray for?  We must not let what others have done destroy our lives. We can’t be forgiven unless we forgive as well. We must release our bitterness if we want God to do His healing work in our lives. Holding grudges has best been described as drinking poison and hoping our enemies will die.

# 3: We need to accommodate John the Baptizer in our lives: This means we must take an active role in our ongoing conversion. We cannot just pray for grace and hope to wake up radically changed and “fixed” by God. The Lord will indeed give us grace to grow closer to him and others this advent season but then he will also send us opportunities to put his grace to work. In other words, we will have to practice and struggle. This is often messy and uncomfortable, much like mastering a new skill or learning something we are not naturally good at! It takes work! Some practical suggestions could be: Make peace with someone you’re at odds with. Pick up the phone and talk to somebody you haven’t contacted in months or years. Offer a compliment to the person you are inclined to criticize. Speak up when you hear our Catholic Faith being attacked or misrepresented. Give, not out of your leftovers, but out of your substance. Add another 5-10 minutes to your prayer and just sit in silence with the Lord. We can all find new ways to show God that we really wish to change and make it easier for Him to come into our hearts. But it must be more than good intentions and vague resolutions.  

God is so good to each of us and he is constantly pouring grace and opportunities into our lives. He does this because he loves us without measure and the challenge of John the Baptist is one more manifestation of that divine affection. Take the time to quietly examine your relationship with God this advent to see what valleys need to be filled in, which hills need to be knocked down, and what crooked ways can be made straight. God’s peace, joy, mercy, healing, forgiveness, and salvation are waiting for those who are willing to get their ducks in a row!

Monday, December 2, 2024

A Heart Too Small and Too Full (1st Sunday of Advent, Year C)

  One of the things we started a couple years ago in the parish office is a spreadsheet we call the “Baby-tracker”! Whenever a parishioner tells us they are expecting, or one of their friends shares the good news, or we hear about it through social media, we write that family’s name down along with their anticipated due date. Why do we do this? First of all, it allows us to pray with our families, for a safe and healthy pregnancy. It also helps us to reach out to see if they need anything, especially after the baby is born, perhaps meals, clothes, or whatever else. Finally, it lets our families know that we share their joy, anticipation, and excitement as they welcome new life into the world.

This same sort of joy, anticipation, and excitement for the arrival of Jesus, the Son of God and Son of Mary, is what our Church hopes to foster in us during this brief, advent season. However, our perennial preparation for the Word Made Flesh is not the only arrival of Jesus the Church wants us to prepare for! In addition to commemorating Jesus’ coming to earth as a baby, the advent scriptures also remind us to get ready for the final coming of Jesus as a most perfect, just, and powerful judge. In this final coming, Jesus will bring to completion his work of redemption, rewarding all those who remained faithful to Him and His Church while putting an end to the reign of sin, punishing all who made evil their good. 

Advent is a preparation for both. And while it is much easier to get excited for the arrival of the Christ-child, to ignore the return of Jesus as ruler and judge is to be only be half-prepared. In fact, in today’s gospel, Jesus warns his listeners to stay watchful and awake so the day of visitation doesn’t catch us off-guard like a thief in the night!

So, the all-important question…what will we be judged on?

St. John of the Cross, great saint and mystic, says we will be judged on love alone. Jesus is not fixated on legalistic rules or gotcha moments. What will determine our eternal destiny is how completely we loved God (who deserves to be loved with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength) and how well we loved others (trying give them the same love that God first gave us).

The word “Love” in English has been highly polluted. The same word is used to describe the affection we have for people, places, and things, ranging from sports teams, hamburgers, and vacations all the way to family and friends. The love we will be judged on is not so much affective (how strongly we felt it). No, our love will be judged on how effective it was. What did it produce? Did it lead others to grow closer to God? Did it make us into better people? We will be asked, “What did your love do? Did it give glory to God? Did it feed the hungry, clothe the naked, comfort the afflicted, welcome the stranger and all the many acts of mercy?

St Paul knew how crucial this life of love was for every single Christian. That’s why he prays for the Thessalonians today that they may increase and ABOUND in love for one another and for all. We might understand St. Paul as saying, “may you overflow with love for all.”

This, of course is a wonderful desire but very difficult to live out for a lifetime. I think there are two main things that keep us from abounding in love:

  1. like the grinch (and often my clothes this time of year), our hearts are often two sizes too small! Anatomically speaking, the heart is a muscle, the only organ classified as such. But spiritually speaking, our hearts also follow the same principles as physical muscle, which is: use it or lose it! If our hearts are not constantly challenged, if they do not push back against the relentless tendency to think of ourselves first and choose selfishness, they will weaken, shrivel, and contract. A heart that is too small becomes selfish, cowardly, and cold. 

So what helps our hearts to expand and grow strong? In a word, sacrifice, thinking of others before ourselves. The irony of christian charity is that we receive more love, the more freely we give it away. Our happiness increases the less we focus on it. I have seen this happen in each of my siblings as they become parents and their hearts increase beyond what they ever thought possible. The best of them is drawn out as their heart is stretched to love their children and every new parent says, in their own way, "I never knew I could love another person this much!!”

2) The second thing that keeps us from abounding in love is that often, like a hoarder’s house, our hearts are too full; there is no room for Jesus in our lives. 

In our materialistic society, the room in our hearts can be completely stuffed with things. One of the benefits of priesthood is that we get moved fairly often and we live where the Archbishop tells us. Most of the rectories are much smaller than the one we have here and it forces us to get rid of lots of things. Things we forgot we even had! I am struck by the ever increasing number of storage facilities everywhere I drive. It is a symptom of our struggle to fill our lives with more and more things which leaves less and less room for Jesus.

Another area where we fill our hearts to the very top is in the area of control. We have a plan and there is literally no room for Jesus in it. Perhaps that shows itself in our schedule. Daily prayer doesn’t happen because there are too many other activities to do first. Weekly Mass is inconsistent because other commitments take priority. More and more couples are choosing to go childless because welcoming new life into their home threatens their freedom and independence. For myself, I see this temptation appearing in the form of resenting interruptions. It’s easy to create a timeline for my day, my week, my life and when Jesus presents himself in the face of others who need my help, who ask for my attention, sometimes simply for a compassionate ear or human warmth, I don’t want to be bothered. Why can’t people make an appointment? Don’t they know how much stuff I need to do?

Finally, our hearts can be filled to the brim with unholy desires for satisfaction and fulfillment from worldly things. This never-ending quest is fed by a lack of gratitude for the things and people in our lives. In this state, the more we have, the emptier we feel. As a result, we long for the next great thing, another new experience, or a perfect relationship that will make us happy. Meanwhile all that we have becomes a burden and a blockade to welcoming Jesus, who approaches us in the most gentle, non-threatening way he can: as a newborn baby and the only cure for our restless hearts.

As we enter this holy advent season, we can focus on just one thing: are we abounding, overflowing with love? Are we prepared to welcome Christ the newborn king and also Jesus, the just judge? Where might he find our hearts too small at this moment? Where might he discover our hearts too full with our worries, obsessions, addictions, and possessions? Now is the time to confront these things face to face. Now is the time to give unto to others so God can grow our hearts more like his. Now is the time to clear out everything that crowds out love for God and his people, especially the ones he has placed right next to us in our daily lives. Now is the time to abound in love!!

Monday, November 25, 2024

Is Christ Our King Yet? (Christ the King, Year B)

  The intrigue of kings and queens, the secrets of royal life, and the cutthroat politics which take place within the walls of the palace have always captivated people. There is an enduring quality to stories of kings and queens, princes and princesses, whether they be real or fictional. King Arthur, Queen Elizabeth, Henry VIII, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, King David and King Herod are just a few. In all these stories, real or imagined, one thing stays the same: there can only be one ruler, one king, one queen. Sharing the power might be a nice idea and begin with good intentions but it never works out. Sooner or later there is a struggle for the crown and people must make a choice about whom they will serve.

While the monarchy isn't a great political model because of human weakness, it is the best model to describe how things work in the spiritual reality that governs heaven and earth. Jesus IS King of the entire universe, whether we choose him or not. Jesus will rule over all things, places and people at the end of time, whether we chose to serve him or not. Morality and the authority of Jesus are not something we decide or vote on. He is Lord of all but he lets us choose to whom we give our allegiance. 

There can be only one king at the end of time and there is a massive battle going on even now to establish the everlasting kingdom. This battle started when satan and his angels rebelled against God. It reached a new level when Adam and Eve rejected God and chose sin. Back and forth it continued until the decisive moment when God became man and died for us on the cross. From that moment on, the victory was won for God and his faithful. Jesus WILL reign, forever more, forever more, as the song says. You and I happen to live in the final stage, when things are wrapping up. Human history is moving towards Jesus’ return once and for all, where he will judge heaven and earth and give eternal glory and happiness to those who served him during their life while eternal shame and punishment will be given to those who served other lords.

As a general rule, most of us feel comfortable saying Jesus is king and lord of our lives. We wouldn’t be here in church if we didn’t agree with at least most of what he teaches and expects of us. But this feast calls us to examine our lives closely, for Christ the King must rule over every aspect of our lives, every dimension of our mind, body, and heart. We cannot serve other masters and still be his. So how can we evaluate our loyalty in a way that’s honest, open, and yet not driven by guilt, shame, or self-hatred? The key is to remember that Jesus loved us and died for us before we ever existed. He made the choice to give everything for us even if we would reject him in the future. His love is unconditional and the only reason he doesn’t want us to serve other kings is because he knows it will lead to our destruction and unhappiness. 

With that being said, is Jesus king of all aspects of my life? Is he Lord of my mind? Do I use my mental gifts, to learn more about him and his Word? Am I expanding my knowledge of the faith, no matter how young or old I am? Do I use my capacity to think in a way that helps others and glorifies God? Am I developing my intellect as a well-rounded human being and making the most of my time as a student? Or does something else rule my mind? Am I mentally lazy, just vegging out in front of a screen? Or more consumed with increasing knowledge of things that are less important or not important at all? If there are areas of my mind that are off-limits to Jesus, where he is not allowed to enter, then he is not yet my King.

What about our bodies? They are temples of the Holy Spirit and made in the image of God. At the end of time, they will be raised up and reunited with our souls, either in heaven or in hell, depending on our choices. Do we show our loyalty to Christ the King by the way we dress, the way we eat and drink, by respecting our body and the bodies of others? Do we reverence the gift of our sexuality as a treasure entrusted to us by God, as something to be protected and honored rather than exploited, redefined, or used for selfish pleasure? For our married couples, are you open to the gift of life and generous in responding to God’s invitation to be co-creators with him? Are there parts of us that are ruled by addiction, excess, self-indulgence, or lust? If there are areas of my body that are off-limits to Jesus, then he is not yet my King.

Last of all, what about our hearts, which guide our relationships and the things and people we choose to love? Is Jesus allowed into the way we love other people? Do we have concern for others, especially the poor, the sick, the unborn, the hurting, the ignored, and inconvenient? Do we keep the good things of life, like money, possessions, and careers in their proper place; never allowing them to become idols or using them as an excuse to trample the rights and dignity of others? Do we see each person as another Christ to be loved, respected, and cared for? Do each of our relationships help us and the other person grow closer to God? To put it most simply, would we be comfortable having Jesus alongside us as we interacted with our friends, family members, co-workers, and strangers? Or would he see us as impatient, unkind, manipulative, selfish, angry, or cruel? If there are any relationships or parts of my heart that are off-limits to Jesus, then he is not yet my King.

As I was reflecting and writing this homily, I realized how much I need to work on. I have a divided heart in many ways. Sometimes, I like to keep Jesus out of parts of my mind, body, and heart. It is difficult to give him free reign because I think I can do better or I just want things my way. But that is ultimately self-sabotage. Jesus is no ordinary King. He is not even simply a good or great king. He is the King of Kings, savior and shepherd, our Lord and lover who will never misuse his power and authority in any way. He is not content to be one king among many. Our time here on earth is short and now is the time to choose which king we will serve for all eternity. Let’s ask God for the grace and faith to open every part of our lives to Christ the King because he will be victorious and reign forever more! 

Monday, November 11, 2024

Wisdom of the Widows (32nd Sunday, Year B)

  One of the greatest honors of priesthood is being invited into peoples’ lives, often at the bookend moments which are either the happiest or saddest a human experiences. Every weekend, it’s really incredible to look out and know so many stories, represented in the faces seated in the pews. I smile inside when I catch a glimpse of the couple I married a few years ago who are still holding hands and crazy about each other. My heart is full when I see parents wrangling unruly toddlers who are trying to escape church because years earlier they asked me to pray for a healthy pregnancy. I also see people whom I visited in the hospital after a health scare, who received the anointing of the sick and now are back in action, full of new life and energy. And finally, I see many who have a lost a loved one and are walking through the various stages of grief. It’s hard for me to believe, but in my time at IW, I have celebrated more than 150 funerals and those stories always stick with me. Most of all, I am moved by the widows I have served as a priest. More often than not, there is a certain grace in their sorrow, an openness to God in their loss, and an honesty about the vulnerability and uncertainty which lies ahead. There has never been a good time to be a widow, but in the ancient world, it was pretty much the worst fate that could befall someone. It is only recently that social programs and safety nets were put in place for those who lost not only their beloved spouse but also their protector, provider, and advocate. For this reason, widows have a special place in God’s heart throughout the Scriptures. Over and over again, God sends prophets to call for their protection and condemns those who take advantage of their desperate situation. In Luke’s gospel, Jesus raises the son of a grieving widow and today he praises another for her generosity and trust. What might you and I learn from the example of the two widows presented in our readings?

What I first notice about both of them is that, despite their tremendous loss and hardship, they maintained a connection with God. So often, when things go wrong for us (sometime it only takes a trivial thing), we begin to doubt God’s love and goodness. Tragedy that is filtered through the lens of “why me” or “this is not fair” often moves us to pull away from God and even forsake him completely. For those who are able to hold on to faith, even in the worst moments of heartbreaking loss, there is the ability to walk with God, even in the darkness which gives no answers. The widow of Zarephath practices hospitality towards Elijah, even though she is down to her last bit of flour and oil, because her faith tells her that in welcoming the stranger, one might be ministering to God himself. The widow in the temple continues to give, even though she too is down to her final reserves, because somehow she still realizes and acknowledges all that God has done for her. Even in tragedy, even in hardship, even in poverty, these women live generously. When there is nothing left to give, they give a little more! 

Faith simplified these women. Trust brought them to a place in their poverty that carved out a capacity for God and a generosity that defies caution and conventional wisdom. Sometimes, my heart can get so cluttered that there is little capacity for God. If I actually stop and do an "inventory" of my heart, I discover all kinds of desires there, all sorts of attachments, a wide variety of hostilities and judgments, and most of all, a list of worries, tensions and fears. Even though I might turn to God in prayer to give me what I want and remove what I don't, I can't always say my heart is full of the Lord. It takes honest reflection to discover the many ways our possessions and our plans possess us. Our needs and our anxieties quietly erode our capacity for trust.

St. John Paul II captured this holy disposition of the two widows in a phrase called the law of the Gift. This spiritual principle is counterintuitive but it states that you become more fully human, more alive, and more completely the person God made you to be to the extent you give yourself away. If you want to save your life, lay down your life. It is in giving that we receive. Abundance comes from the willing gift of who I am and what I have to others and to God! 

In that place of total trust in God, the jar doesn't go empty and the jug never runs dry. Then, instead of asking God to take away my troubles or punish my enemies, I'm asking God to help me to be a source of joy, comfort, assistance to others, to help me be generous because I now see all those who are in greater need than I am. When we are hooked onto the one, true God, who is pure gift and love, we can give and give and we will not run empty.

Now, the opposite is also true. If I cling to substitutes for God, if I turn things into God that are not God, I can hoard all the wealth, power, fame, and pleasures possible and it will still not be enough. I will still feel empty and insecure. 

With these readings today, we could ask for the grace to be able to give more from the deepest reserves of who we are and what we have. We get God’s love by giving God’s love away. We can ask, who needs this kind of generosity from me. Who in my family needs what I had instinctively feel is more than I could give? Who in the world, in the church, in this parish needs my generosity, not from my leftovers but from my deepest reserves?

Can we imagine being this generous, this free? We can only get closer to that place by asking for these graces boldly, by letting God love us into freedom, by letting our Lord convince us that our real happiness will be in letting go of more and more, and falling into the hands of a loving God - who keeps faith forever, who protects and provides for widows, and who sets captives free.