Monday, September 24, 2018

It All Belongs to God (25th Sunday, Year B)

To listen to this homily, click here.

Throughout the Archdiocese, we are encouraged to reflect on the theme of stewardship for this weekend. To lead us in that direction, consider the story about a family coming out of Mass on Sunday. The man said to his wife, “father’s homily wasn’t very good.” The wife added, “Yeah, and the choir sang off key.” Their son was listening to his parents and he chimed in. “It seemed OK to me, especially since it only cost us a dollar!”

That is a caricature of one approach to weekly worship here at Mass and to religion which can be summed up in the question, “What am I getting out of it?” or “what is it doing for me?” This mentality seems to be popular with many Catholics, especially today when there are countless commitments and forms of entertainment competing for our time and attention. But there is a deeper, more rewarding approach to weekly worship and service called Stewardship. It is based on the fundamental truth that we all have the same heavenly Father. The implications of this truth are enormous. If God is our Father, then he is the source of all we have and are. It also means we are brothers and sisters and we have a responsibility for each other and to God as a sort of spiritual family.

It is hard to keep that perspective today. In many ways our society is coming apart. One can easily respond by saying that I will take care of myself. Let others worry about themselves. Live and let live. Of course, I will be tolerant of others - as long as they don’t get in my way. But if we all have one father, if we are brothers and sisters in Christ, that approach won’t work. Because of Jesus, we have to care for each other as family.

The way we express this reality is by Stewardship, that is, dedicating the first portion of our time, talent and treasure back to God in grateful recognition that he is the source of all we have. Traditionally and biblically, this is expressed by the tithe; give 10% back to God and use the remaining 90% for our needs. In the Scriptures, this 10% was not given last from the leftovers but was given out of the best, the first fruits. 

There was a boy in the nineteenth century who lived by this rule. He came from a modest family. In his first job he earned $1.50 a week. He brought the money home to his mother who placed it in her lap. She said, “John, I would be very happy if you gave ten percent back to God.” That Sunday, young John placed fifteen cents in the collection. From that time, he gave God ten percent of everything he earned. He went on to become one of the richest men in America – John David Rockefeller.

Now, you could certainly find things about Rockefeller to criticize. Still, he knew the first part belongs to God. I am not here to preach the gospel of prosperity or to say that tithing will make you a millionaire, but I promise it will bring peace, purpose, blessings and you will always have what you need! 

For many people Stewardship is frightening. They would like to do it, but don’t know how to start. They feel they have too many debts or obligations. I remember feeling this way when I began giving as a seminarian. I was timid and started out at 4 or 5%. But you have to begin somewhere —— and the hardest part is committing to giving God his share first, whatever that amount is. Rockefeller said if he had not tithed his first dollar, he never would have tithed his first million dollars.

On a personal note, it took me seven years to reach the goal of tithing, which for me is 5% to the parish and 5% to other charities. Interestingly, and sometimes inexplicably, in the years since I made this commitment, I have been increasingly blessed and have been able to give even more than the 10% I originally planned. God has taken what I have given to him, blessed it and returned it to me many times over. I have always had more than I needed.

Stewardship does requires planning and prayer. If my giving to God consists of whatever is left in my wallet each weekend or happens simply when I remember or feel like it, it will be nearly impossible to be a good steward. It will be an afterthought at best.

Stewardship is not just asking us to prayerfully consider the charitable giving of our financial resources. Sometimes giving money is the easy part. Even more importantly, we need to give God a portion of the best of ourselves which is our time and talent. We are all are busy, but try to look at it in a different way. Each of us has the same number of hours in a week: 168.  45, 55 or even 60 go for sleep. Another 40 or more are spent on one’s work or studies. That still leaves about 70 hours. We give one hour to God at Sunday Mass. Could we give an additional hour or two – say in Eucharistic Adoration, in a faith formation program, serving on a parish or school committee, or some other ministry at Incarnate Word? Could we also prayerfully look at the amount of time we spend on entertainment, especially on the internet or in front of the TV? Did you know that the average American spends 5hrs and 4 minutes a day watching tv and another 24hrs a week on the internet? Think how our lives, our families, and our parish would be transformed if we gave 10% of that screen time to God in personal prayer? Can you imagine how much more peaceful our hearts would be?

Giving part of our best time, talent, and treasure is important. As I mentioned – and I believe many people sense – our society is becoming unraveled. There is a temptation to pull back and circle the wagons. I sometimes experience it myself. I have even felt a sense of discouragement come over me while at Mass as I think of the many needs of our church and how difficult it is to get people to help. I am somewhat ashamed to say it, but it’s true. However, what gives me new hope and purpose is when I visit the kids in their classrooms at the school and PSR or interact with our teens in the youth group who want to know more about our faith and how they can be a part of it. You and I want to make a better society and a better parish for their sake.

For their sake, I am asking you to make a commitment of Time, Talent and Treasure. And there is no minimum age for stewardship. All of us have something to offer God because he has blessed us so much. We have one Father. We are all brothers and sisters – with a responsibility for each other. God owns it all……we are called to share and give some of it back so others may be blessed and our happiness may be multiplied.