There's a story about a couple leaving church one Sunday. As they walked to the car, the wife asked her husband, "Did you see the strange hat Mrs. Jones was wearing?" “No, I didn't," replied the husband. “What about Bill Smith?” she asked, “he really needs a hair cut, don’t you think?" "I didn't notice," her husband said. “Well, you must have noticed the awful outfit that Ms. Brown tried to pull off,” his wife commented. “I missed that” her husband said. Fed up, his wife said, "You know, John, sometimes I wonder if you get anything at all out of going to church."
Now this of course is a ridiculous story, but one that illustrates an important truth. People get different things out of going to church, depending on what they focus on when they get there. Today's Gospel reading begins by telling us that when Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, he went up to Nazareth, which was his hometown, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his custom.
These last words form an interesting statement that should make us pause and reflect. Jesus went according to his custom into the synagogue on the Sabbath day. In other words, it was his habit, his practice, and his custom to worship there on the Sabbath day. Now let’s remember when all of this is taking place. Jesus returns to Galilee, to this synagogue, after his baptism and anointing with the Holy Spirit, here he is, after already having demonstrated his power and his righteousness; here he is, after miraculous healings and authoritative teachings. What does he do? He attends weekly worship in the synagogue in his hometown, according to his custom.
But why?
This question needs to be asked because there are many people who claim to be connected to God, many people who say they are aware of the movement of the Holy Spirit in their lives and in the world but who do not attend Holy Mass on a regular basis. People who profess to be spiritual but not religious. There are many who claim that they can be acceptable Catholics without a custom or habit of going to Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. That somehow they are exempt from this need for regular public worship because they are connected to God in their hearts. Others claim they don’t go very often because they don’t get that much out of it, that it’s too boring or dull and the priest always gives terrible homilies. Today in the gospel, we see that the most holy person this world has ever seen, the person who men and women recognize as being the most righteous and beautiful that history has produced, a person who had the deepest kind of prayer life and a profound intimacy with the Father, here we see that he attended public worship that he entered the synagogue, on a regular basis.
We might wonder, “what did the Son of God expect to learn during that time in the synagogue? What did he get out of it? Why did he go?” Surely he knew it all already? Surely the prayers of the temple, the psalms that were sung, the scriptures that were read, and the message of the rabbi were nothing new to him. We would all have understood if he had spent the time alone on a mountain or praying in the desert. Certainly it would have made sense if he used this time to rest and relax after a busy week of being about his Father's business. And yet he attended the public prayer of the synagogue, week in and week out, year in and year out.
I think that there are several lessons to be learned from Jesus’ custom of faithfully going to the synagogue on the Sabbath.
The first lesson is that he is giving us, his followers, a good example. As we know from the gospels, he came, not to abolish the law but to fulfill it And keeping holy the Sabbath was and still is a central element of keeping God’s laws. Jesus teaches us the importance of dedicating time, every week to worship God. He shows us that keeping holy the Sabbath is done by setting aside sacred time for God alone. Yes, often, there are many other “practical” concerns and demands that would seem to be better use of our time, but the example of Jesus shows us that weekly worship of God on Sundays should be a sacred time and a sacred duty that must not neglect. Instead, we should make this a top priority.
The second lesson involves the communal aspect of worship. Our presence at Sunday Mass is not simply about us as individuals. We come together as a body of believers, that very Body of Christ which St. Paul talks about in our second reading. And if one member disregards their spiritual life and neglects their Sunday obligation, it is not only they who suffer, but the whole Body of Christ. Jesus’ presence in the synagogue was likely more beneficial to those around him than to himself but through Him, God was able to lift the hearts and minds of others in prayer. The same can happen through us by our humble, faithful, and pious participation at Sunday Mass.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, there is an inexhaustible richness to the liturgy we celebrate each and every Sunday. Every week we sit and listen to the same Scriptures Jesus did. Jesus went back to the synagogue, week after week to hear the Word of God, to be encouraged by its promise, renewed by its power, and reminded of the Father’s love for the world. No student is greater than his teacher; how much more each of us needs that encouraging, renewing, and reminding that Scripture gives! And now, because of the gift of the Eucharist, we are fed not just with the Word of God but the very Body and Blood of Christ!! In this way, Sunday Mass fulfills God’s command to keep holy the Sabbath, it unites us the whole Body of Christ, and it opens our heart, mind, and soul to receive the infinite riches gained by Christ during his life on earth.
As I mentioned in the beginning of the homily, we get different things out of Mass, depending on what our expectations and efforts are. If we come to Sunday Mass expecting to be bored, unimpressed, distracted, unprepared, or stuck for an hour, that is likely what we will get. Even more so if we only come a couple times each month or a few times a year. But if we come to Mass faithfully, week after week, expecting to be inspired, renewed, guided, strengthened, forgiven, and taught, Christ will gladly give us these good things and many more. As we continue with this Mass, to worship God and thank Him for His many gifts, let us expect great things and abundant graces. We can be assured that God, in his infinite goodness will always give us more than we can ask or imagine.